Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something of an introduction

Okay, so here goes. I feel a bit presumptuous to assume that anyone would give a shit what I have to say about anything. But after a long while of having thoughts dance in my head, screaming for attention I decided to start this blog. I have a wide range of interests from psychology (my chosen profession), to history, politics, philosophy, religion, pop culture, music, movies, marriage and fatherhood - I plan to write about it all. The one thing you won't find here will be posts about sports. I am not a sports fan. Never have been. I occasionally watch the NFL and I really got into the World Cup, but nine times out of ten I could care less. My friends and family have tried numerous times to get me to like watching sports all to no avail. Add to that the pain of being a black man who can't play basketball or throw a football and it's a pretty touchy subject. Nuff said!

This is my first attempt at a blog, so I expect to make lots of mistakes. I have a few ideas off the bat that I plan to write in the coming weeks. After that, I'm as curious to see what comes next as you may be. Also, this blog is for adults only. I plan to write the way I talk, and being a New Yorker profanity is just a part of my vocabulary. Since I've had kids, I've done a pretty good job of censoring myself most of the time. However, I've noticed that when I get into adult company I tend to curse a lot more than I did pre-kiddies. It's like I've got a dam of profanity that's been building up and when the kids aren't around I finally get to release the pressure. If you're offended by salty language this may not be the place for you.

Lastly, I try to be civil in my daily life and I plan to be civil in all of my posts here. Please be respectful in your comments and I'll try to do the same. If I do occasionally call someone a whore, bastard, or motherfucker I'll try to be sure the label truly applies. For example: Sara Palin is a media whore. See how easy that was? Otherwise Enjoy!