Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something of an introduction

Okay, so here goes. I feel a bit presumptuous to assume that anyone would give a shit what I have to say about anything. But after a long while of having thoughts dance in my head, screaming for attention I decided to start this blog. I have a wide range of interests from psychology (my chosen profession), to history, politics, philosophy, religion, pop culture, music, movies, marriage and fatherhood - I plan to write about it all. The one thing you won't find here will be posts about sports. I am not a sports fan. Never have been. I occasionally watch the NFL and I really got into the World Cup, but nine times out of ten I could care less. My friends and family have tried numerous times to get me to like watching sports all to no avail. Add to that the pain of being a black man who can't play basketball or throw a football and it's a pretty touchy subject. Nuff said!

This is my first attempt at a blog, so I expect to make lots of mistakes. I have a few ideas off the bat that I plan to write in the coming weeks. After that, I'm as curious to see what comes next as you may be. Also, this blog is for adults only. I plan to write the way I talk, and being a New Yorker profanity is just a part of my vocabulary. Since I've had kids, I've done a pretty good job of censoring myself most of the time. However, I've noticed that when I get into adult company I tend to curse a lot more than I did pre-kiddies. It's like I've got a dam of profanity that's been building up and when the kids aren't around I finally get to release the pressure. If you're offended by salty language this may not be the place for you.

Lastly, I try to be civil in my daily life and I plan to be civil in all of my posts here. Please be respectful in your comments and I'll try to do the same. If I do occasionally call someone a whore, bastard, or motherfucker I'll try to be sure the label truly applies. For example: Sara Palin is a media whore. See how easy that was? Otherwise Enjoy!


  1. 1) Damn the Dam... speak your mind the kids won't read this til much later... by that time you'll probably have forgotten what you said/typed...

    2) You're right... No one gives a shit ... but that shouldn't stop you from blogging... just kidding

    3) What do you think about the chance that LeBron James and Miami will win the Eastern Conference? More kidding...

    For real congrats on starting this up. Glad to see you living your dreams and making it happen. I'm not much for blogging but I will be checking it out to see what you have to say... but if I ask you about your opinion face to face don't tell me to check your blog for an answer. Aiight man. Holla

  2. Great start, Konata! I love your tone and humor. They make for an easy and interesting read. I, too, use a lot of profanity. I think I get it from my grandmother who spent 30+ years in New York. Having grown up in New York (and Virginia), I think it rubbed off on me. I'm trying to get a handle on it, though. Oh, and as long as you don't call me a whore, no offense will be taken. LOL.

  3. hahahahhahaha. great ending! but, we all know she's more than that! Welcome to the 21st century.
